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Welcome to Year 4

Our Year 4 Team

  • Mrs Faiers
  • Miss Kelner
  • Mrs Hartshorn – Learning Support Assistant
  • Miss Briggenshaw – Learning Support Assistant
  • Miss Hoxha – Learning Support Assistant
  • Mrs Fairbridge – Learning Support Assistant


We have outdoor PE on Tuesday afternoon with TFG and indoor games on Thursday afternoon. Please ensure that your child has the correct footwear for these sessions. During the colder months, please provide appropriate layers and gloves to keep your child warm.

Please remember to label PE kits with your child's name and class.


Children are encouraged to bring in a healthy snack for their morning break. This should either be fruit or vegetable based. All children should also bring a named water bottle to drink throughout the day.

Reading in Year 4

Reading is so important and helps with all our curriculum. We encourage all children to read daily, from a wide range of texts. Please make sure that you also read aloud to others to practise that skill. We are fortunate to have such an amazing library in our school which provides a wide range of books to choose from.

Each class also has a ‘Sleepover Book Buddy’ bag which children take turns to take home for a week. Inside, you will find a selection of different things to read, a bear to read to and a notebook to record what and where you have read.


We visit the school library every Wednesday afternoonj to change our books.

Timetable Rockstars

As well as daily reading, we also would like each child to regularly practise their timestables using Timestable Rockstars. Keep an eye out for when we set inter-year group and class battles to practise those skills!