Welcome to Year 1
Our Year 1 Team
- Mrs Burman
- Miss Ayrey
- Miss Spencer – Learning Support Assistant
- Mrs Nichols – Learning Support Assistant
- Mrs Cumming – Learning Support Assistant
Both Year One classes have outdoor PE on a Monday afternoon. Class 1AA have indoor PE on Thursday morning and 1SB have indoor PE on Friday morning. Please ensure that the children have the correct PE kit and footwear for these sessions. During the colder months, please make sure that they have appropriate layers and outerwear to keep warm.
Please ensure that all PE kit is labelled with your child's name and class.
A Fruit Snack is provided for children in Key Stage One. If your child would like to bring in their own snack for morning break, this should either be fruit or vegetable based.
All children should also bring a named water bottle to drink throughout the day.
Reading in Year 1
Reading is so important and helps with our entire curriculum. We encourage all children to read at home daily. Reading books are changed at least twice a week and children will also bring home their Guided Reading book every Friday.
Each class also has a ‘Sleepover Book Buddy’ bag which children take turns to take home for a week. Inside, you will find a selection of different things to read, a bear to read to and a notebook to record what and where you have read.
We visit the school library every Friday afternoon to change our books.
The children will go to the Woodland on Tuesday afternoon as part of our outdoor learning curriculum. The children will need to be appropriately dressed in full-length sleeves and trousers to protect against thorns and stinging nettles. The children should bring Wellies or outdoor shoes to change into.
We expect children to become increasingly independent as they progress through Key Stage One. We will support them to begin to change reading books independently and to develop more responsibility for their own belongings and equipment.