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Curriculum Intent and Implementation Plan

Our vision is ‘Let your light shine’. The rainbow symbolises God’s unconditional love for each individual. We seek to reflect that light in all we do: in our community, both local and wider, our communication, both word and action, with curiosity and courage, and with care and compassion for everyone, inspiring a love of learning.  This Christian vision drives and shapes all we do, including our curriculum.


Every child and adult is recognised as a unique individual, with their own particular gifts to share within our loving and inclusive school community. However, we also strive to keep looking outwards, understanding and appreciating our place in the local and global community. Each child is helped to achieve their full potential, regardless of their background, so that they are equipped to take their place in an increasingly diverse world.


Clear communication is vital. We recognise how important it is for all our children to build a rich vocabulary, to help them comprehend what they read and also bring their writing to life across the curriculum. Having built the confidence of our youngest pupils through phonics, each child is introduced to the wonderful world of reading. They are exposed to high quality texts, testing their skills of decoding and comprehension through ‘Accelerated Reader’ quizzes and learning to think like an author, as they explore language and intent through regular ‘Book Talk’ sessions. But communication is more than just words and through informal discussion, Collective Worship and formal PSHE lessons, all pupils understand the school’s high expectations of their behaviour, showing respect to all the community.

Curiosity and Courage

At Winslow Church of England School, we help each child learn to value themselves, but also to appreciate difference. Coming from diverse backgrounds, we help every pupil develop the positive attitudes and life skills needed throughout their life. Within a safe learning environment, teachers seek to cultivate skills such as personal resilience, perseverance and team work, the ‘growth mind-set’ needed to promote responsibility for learning and future success. Children leave Winslow Church of England School with a sense of belonging to a close-knit, caring community, self-belief and a recognition of how they might be a force for change in the wider world.


At the heart of our life together in school is a desire for all our pupils to become compassionate and caring towards those around them. We recognise that children need to be in the right ‘head-space’ to access their learning, and so we provide the necessary support to help all pupils make the right choices. Pupils understand that some of their friends struggle with behaviour and need extra help and care to overcome difficulties. Year 6 pupils are trained as peer mentors and some pupils are paired with an adult mentor, providing a ‘go to person’ with whom anxieties can be shared.