Religious Education (RE)
At Winslow CE School we follow an enquiry approach to RE using the Oxford Diocese Board of Education Scheme of Work for RE, in which the Buckinghamshire Agreed Syllabus is delivered through a coherently sequenced programme of half-termly units. Pupils in the Early Years begin to explore elements of religious beliefs and practices within their provision as part of their developing knowledge and understanding of the world.
Our curriculum is ambitious and designed to give all pupils the knowledge, skills and personal development to succeed in their learning in school as well as in life. Units of work are planned with the school’s Christian vision and values underpinning and guiding curriculum decisions for RE.
RE is central to the school’s vision, helping pupils to develop curiosity and emotional awareness. It promotes spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and helps to build and sustain a sense of community. Pupils learn about the beliefs, values and practices of the principal religions and how these influence peoples’ lives in our local and wider community. Drawing on this, they reflect on their own and others’ sense of identity, meaning and purpose, by exploring key ideas and beliefs and by investigating practices of religious and non-religious believers, using key questions of morality, meaning and existence as a starting point for each unit of work.