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We are really proud of our school uniform and expect all children to wear it. Our uniform is a key part to making sure we look smart and feel like we belong to our school community.

Below is a reminder of the expectations for all pupils:

  • Footwear with uniform should be black or brown practical school shoes. Trainers or fashion boots are not permitted as an alternative to school shoes.
  • PE uniform is a plain white or navy blue t-shirt with blue or white plain shorts and a navy tracksuit for outdoor outdoor PE sessions – No football strips allowed.
  • Distinctive hairstyles, including tramlines and coloured, dyed hair are not suitable for school.
  • If ears are pierced, only one pair of studs may be worn for safety reasons. These should not be worn on PE days, but if they cannot be removed, they must be covered up with tape.
  • Make up, including nail varnish, is not permitted in school.
  • Long hair should be tied back. Headbands should be plain and simple, in school colours (navy, grey, white and black)

All clothing, including coats and shoes, should and clearly labelled with your child’s name.

Uniform can be purchased by placing an order on ParentMail.


FOWS Second Hand School Uniform

FOWS are delighted to bring to you a new uniform website for Pre loved Uniform. We have started with two main items and will add to this. Simply click the link to see the Logo jumpers and PE t-shirts available to purchase for a small fee via bank transfer. Your purchases will be delivered to the classrooms.

Uniformerly Website