Admissions to Our School
Rainbows Pre-School (3 & 4 year olds)
Led by a qualified teacher, your child will be able to complete a full academic year in our Rainbows Preschool before applying for full time education in Reception. Winslow Church of England School will continue to offer the universal 15 hours for Early Years provision; for children eligible for the additional 15 hours. The school is working in partnership with Tree House Pre-School, and local childminders to offer the full 30 hours’ entitlement to enable the needs of the children to be best met. Application for places should be made by contacting Mrs Freshwater in the school office.
Reception Class
We have an admission number of 60 in Reception. All applications to Winslow Church of England School are made through the Local Authority. If you live in Buckinghamshire you can apply online.
Other Year Groups
All applications for admissions to other year groups have to be made via the Bucks Council website.
We welcome all parents to come and have a look round the school.
To arrange a visit please contact the school office on 01296 712296.